Selective Research Papers
Jin, P., Zarnescu, D.C., Ceman, S., Nakamoto, M., Mowrey, J., Jongens, T.A., Nelson, D.L., Moses, K., and Warren, S.T. (2004). Biochemical and genetic interaction between the fragile X mental retardation protein and the microRNA pathway. Nature Neuroscience, 7, 113-117.
Jin, P., Zarnescu, D.C., Zhang, F., Pearson, C.E., Lucchesi, J.C., Moses, K and Warren, S.T. (2003). RNA-mediated neurodegeneration caused by the fragile X premutation rCGG repeats in Drosophila. Neuron, 39, 739-747. (PMID: 12948442)
Darnell, J. C., Jensen, K. B., Jin, P., Brown, V., Warren, S. T., and Darnell, R. B. (2001). Fragile X mental retardation protein targets G quartet mRNAs important for neuronal function. Cell 107, 489-99. PMID: 11719189
Brown, V.*, Jin, P.* (equal contribution), Ceman, S., Darnell, J. C., O’Donnell, W. T., Tenenbaum, S. A., Jin, X., Feng, Y., Wilkinson, K. D., Keene, J. D., Darnell, R. B., and Warren, S. T. (2001). Microarray identification of FMRP-associated brain mRNAs and altered mRNA translational profiles in fragile X syndrome. Cell 107, 477-87. PMID: 11719188